Hauskaa Vappua!
Happy 1st of May!
С праздником 1-го Мая!
The core of the book is how powerful our ideas and thoughts are and how these immaterial things make a big impact on our lives.
Based on my observations I have done several conclusions:
1.The world is much more sophisticated than a perception of average person. The world consists not only from material but also immaterial elements
2. We (human beings) supposed to take care not only about our acts and deeds but also about out thoughts
3. The believe in a power of immaterial such as thought, idea, dream is a very positive and healthy thing for all of us, because this is a believe in our capabilities to be (become) CREATORS (!!!)
4. This power is not disturbing, it is giving us a HOPE and BELIEVE. Hope and believe that any situation, challenge or problem can be solved by the power of our WILL.
Making conclusion: children are our future and we hoping them the best.
As sooner we provide the idea of their (his or her) power as quicker we shall get return on our investment – a solid person, responsible not only for actions, but also for the thoughts, the person with high ability for the creation, challenge and change in the benefit for the society and Universe!
Photo: Antti Erolainen