The latest version of the Truffle 100, the leading ranking of the top 100 software vendors in Europe, has been published. German SAP ranks first.
Total revenues for the Truffle 100 are 29 billion euros and revenues from software activity are 24,4 billion euros. The top 25 vendors account for 80 % of the revenues.
From Finnish companies Digia ranks 38th, F-Secure 41st, Comptel 45th, Aldata Solution 48th, Basware 51st, Proha 70th and Tekla 74th.
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LinkedIn has introduced new applications, which are very useful way to utilize network:
Company Buzz made me to register also to Twitter. Twitter is tool to share “What you are doing?”. Company Buzz is collecting from Twitter stream everything what is dedicated to your interests and company activities.
BlogLink is showing all blog items of your network. It’s very interesting to follow what other people in your network are writing.
MyTravel is allowing to share your upcoming trips with other networkers or people in your network. You can check if anyone is going to same place at the same time. You can book meeting with persons you already know, but earlier you didn’t know that you are traveling to same place.
LinkedIn Polls is giving opportunity to ask anything from your network. It’s showing statistics of answerers and people background. It’s very easy to use and you can share results with other people in your blog.
Amazon Reading List is providing information to your network about the books you have read, which you recommend or which you are thinking to read.