Sunday, April 8, 2007

Our Mobile Life - What is not wireless to You?

Our lifestyle has changed a lot. I remember the time then my friend said that he is not going to have a mobilephone ever. That was the year 1995.

Now in 2007 he called from shop that he is going to change his mobile phone to the latest model. He asked which phone he should buy that it would have synchronized business calendar and radio. This just shows that most people cannot live without mobilephone.

In CTIA Wireless 2007 which was held in Orlando Florida USA, there were over 2000 exhibitors, mainly from USA. Some companies even came from Europe and Finland. We met lot of phones' manufactures, cellular operators, software vendors and value-added service providers.

In the show most of the people have been using their BlackBerry:s and other Smartphones for the fast communication ( except these two participants in the picture who are still fans of fixed phone lines).

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