The Question What is the Biggest challenge to implement a Business Idea? published in LinkedIn got 31 answers.
The Summary of them is presented bellow:
1. Identify Like Minded People with similar Interest and Vision, who believe in your idea
2. Get Sufficient Funding / Investor
3. Identify Potential Marketplace/ ensuring that you have thoroughly identified, validated and quantified the customer base
4. Implementing the Idea over the time to generate Business
5. Overcoming your own "fears" and starting things up
6. Thinking what can go wrong and what to do to overcome that
7. Managing employees
8. Drive, dedication and a clear vision.
9. Clear mission statement and marketing plan
10. Know your product or service and your competition
11. Partners/ 3d parties/ build the appropriate relationships/networks
12. Fortitude and commitment
13. Finding professionals that you are compatible with 14. To find how do deliver (sell/distribute) your product/service
15. Work-Process
16. Doing it, rather than thinking about it and planning it. Second biggest challenge - doing it more than once.
17. Make sure your business idea actually solves a problem
18. Stay Focused
You can find all answers in LinkedIn Q&A
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