Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas! Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008!

Merry Christmas! Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008!

Hyvää Joulua ja Onnelista Uutta Vuotta 2008!

FinRusGateway team

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Congratulations Finland!

Today, 6th of December, Finland is celebrating 90th Anniversary of Independence.

In 31.12.1917 V.I. Lenin, Josif Stalin and Lev Trotsky signed the official papers of Independence of Finland from Russia.

Finland's Independence Day is a public holiday.
Tonight Finnish President Tarja Halonen is organizing an official party, where quests can have a party and celebrate the Anniversary.

Finland has been part of European Union from 1.1. 1995.

Read more about Finland.

Congratulations Finland, let's celebrate today!