Janne and Tatjana
LinkedIn has introduced new applications, which are very useful way to utilize network:
Company Buzz made me to register also to Twitter. Twitter is tool to share “What you are doing?”. Company Buzz is collecting from Twitter stream everything what is dedicated to your interests and company activities.
BlogLink is showing all blog items of your network. It’s very interesting to follow what other people in your network are writing.
MyTravel is allowing to share your upcoming trips with other networkers or people in your network. You can check if anyone is going to same place at the same time. You can book meeting with persons you already know, but earlier you didn’t know that you are traveling to same place.
LinkedIn Polls is giving opportunity to ask anything from your network. It’s showing statistics of answerers and people background. It’s very easy to use and you can share results with other people in your blog.
Amazon Reading List is providing information to your network about the books you have read, which you recommend or which you are thinking to read.
Enjoy LinkedIn with applications!
1. Great success of the Russian singer in EuroVision Song Contest competition 2008.
Dima Bilan with his song ""BELIEVE" has won the first-ever title for
The Russian won 272 points from viewers from 43 countries who picked the winner by phone calls and text messages.
*Article by Herald Tribune: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/05/24/arts/EU-A-E-MUS-Serbia-Eurovision.php
We are Proud of You,
We got an interesting comment* on my Article: Should You recommend the book "The Secret" to children.
*Note: please find the comment bellow
The core of the book is how powerful our ideas and thoughts are and how these immaterial things make a big impact on our lives.
Based on my observations I have done several conclusions:
1.The world is much more sophisticated than a perception of average person. The world consists not only from material but also immaterial elements
2. We (human beings) supposed to take care not only about our acts and deeds but also about out thoughts
3. The believe in a power of immaterial such as thought, idea, dream is a very positive and healthy thing for all of us, because this is a believe in our capabilities to be (become) CREATORS (!!!)
4. This power is not disturbing, it is giving us a HOPE and BELIEVE. Hope and believe that any situation, challenge or problem can be solved by the power of our WILL.
Making conclusion: children are our future and we hoping them the best.
As sooner we provide the idea of their (his or her) power as quicker we shall get return on our investment – a solid person, responsible not only for actions, but also for the thoughts, the person with high ability for the creation, challenge and change in the benefit for the society and Universe!
Photo: Antti Erolainen
Please have a look at the next topic and take a part in a discussion via LinkedIn questions and Answers.
Being in the philosophical moods I've being wondered: what is a most valuable thing that my parents gave to me? And I got the answer: Freedom.
Freedom to make my own decisions is one of the most valuable things for me.
If to assume that there is a God existing in the Universe and assume that he gave a Free Will to us
( the will to make our OWN choices) how valuable should be this treasure?
What do you think?
What is Free Will for you: Hard obligation, Inspiring challenge or... something else?
Please share.
All opinions are appreciated.
Thank you!
Our choices from smaller till bigger are affected by our life’s values. Following the values we make our decisions and move on to the direction chosen.
A choice you make is based on a certain pallet of values that you have at that time.
It’s not easy to build or formulate the life’s values especially in the younger age. In some cases people are making choices spontaneously picking up the success of neighbor as a reliable path. The usage of someone’s pattern is not always bringing a personal satisfaction of the life.
In the “perfect world” the easiest way to make a choice would be to follow our heart and inner. However in the reality we are facing obstacles, which are preventing us to choose the right direction. In this case we need external help, advice or talk with someone who is capable to mentor us, who is close to us or who can think about us: friends and family.
Evolution of value system is not hypocrisy. By making a right choice we are increasing the Potential of our values, which gives us a chance to make a better choice in the future. By making the right choice we are gaining self-confidentiality, strength and power and assurance that this is a right direction.
Making a wrong choice is bringing a feeling of a personal non-satisfaction, regretting of the deed done and loosing the sense of the “right track”. As an end result: emptiness and frustration.
To start a building Your set of values is never too late.
What would be help to set up the right values?
· Try to know who you really are, and the culture you are working in
· Try to step out of yourself and evaluate your present choices and actions
· Take the time to get clear of the direction you want to go
· Talk to people you respect, maybe admire, people you value for what they do and have done
· Follow what you really want to do and release as much fear as is reasonable
Reference readings:
The Power of Full Engagement, the Tony Schwartz & Jim Loehr book
Good People Make Tough Choices by Rushworth Kidder
I am very proud to introduce Jaakko Pesola's new release: "Kaikki laulut rakkaudesta".
The release title is in Finnish meaning "All songs about love". All songs written by Jaakko Pesola who is lead vocalist as well.
Songs are melodic pop-rock songs, with touching rhythm in it. Of course if you know Finnish, the lyrics are very important part in it. Even if you don't know Finnish you can feel the good spirit and touching expression in each songs.
I have known Jaakko 20 years and like his music very much.
If you want to check more information there is mySpace site in English and also Jaakko Pesola homepage in Finnish.
The best way to enjoy the music is of course on live concert. If you like the songs you might also like to see band live. Check from this link next opportunity. Personally i saw one album release concert in Helsinki Tavastia club January 15th 2008. This picture is from Tavastia concert.
Thank you ALL who have contributed to the answering on my question!
Its so great that 27 people wanted to discuss about the topic. There are many various opinions came up.
Few answers were very good, so I couldn't choose the ONLY Best one.
I have made a Summary of your thoughts.
Please find it bellow.
A purpose of the life of a True Leader*
A true leader is a "model" of perfection. His purpose is:
*Note: the original question:
A purpose of the life of a True Leader is to give a direction/purpose of the life to following him people.
True or false?
All opinions are appreciated.