Monday, March 31, 2008

Power of the Choice or How to set up the right Values?

Thank you to All participants to my LI question:

Power of the Choice or How to set up the right Values?*

Please find a summary of the discussion bellow.

Everyone has been experienced with the situation when he/she supposed to make a choice. Smaller choices we make every day and bigger ones more rarely.

Our choices from smaller till bigger are affected by our life’s values. Following the values we make our decisions and move on to the direction chosen.

A choice you make is based on a certain pallet of values that you have at that time.

It’s not easy to build or formulate the life’s values especially in the younger age. In some cases people are making choices spontaneously picking up the success of neighbor as a reliable path. The usage of someone’s pattern is not always bringing a personal satisfaction of the life.

In the “perfect world” the easiest way to make a choice would be to follow our heart and inner. However in the reality we are facing obstacles, which are preventing us to choose the right direction. In this case we need external help, advice or talk with someone who is capable to mentor us, who is close to us or who can think about us: friends and family.

Evolution of value system is not hypocrisy. By making a right choice we are increasing the Potential of our values, which gives us a chance to make a better choice in the future. By making the right choice we are gaining self-confidentiality, strength and power and assurance that this is a right direction.

Making a wrong choice is bringing a feeling of a personal non-satisfaction, regretting of the deed done and loosing the sense of the “right track”. As an end result: emptiness and frustration.

To start a building Your set of values is never too late.

What would be help to set up the right values?

· Try to know who you really are, and the culture you are working in

· Try to step out of yourself and evaluate your present choices and actions

· Take the time to get clear of the direction you want to go

· Talk to people you respect, maybe admire, people you value for what they do and have done

· Follow what you really want to do and release as much fear as is reasonable

Reference readings:

The Power of Full Engagement, the Tony Schwartz & Jim Loehr book

Good People Make Tough Choices by Rushworth Kidder



Please find subquestions of th main topic bellow:

-Have you got an experiences in your life when the right (wrong) choice has dramatically changed your life?

-Which values were affecting your choice?

-What you would do differently?

-Any advisers for " dummies"?

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